Hydrogel™ er et 100% miljøvennlig produkt for rensing og desinfisering av vann-, olje-, gass- og andre ledninger. Metoden er vel dokumentert og er bland annet brukt i Danmark, på et lengre strekk på gassledningen fra Norge til Tyskland. XomeOne har hatt kontakt med Kemia (Østerrike) i mange år, og vi kan nå introdusere produktet i Norge. Det vil finnes mulighet til lisensavtaler og til innkjøp av nødvendig, spesialtilpasset utstyr for noen skandinaviske aktører. Ved interesse kan dere kontakte XomeOne AS. Kontaktdata lengst ned i artikkelen (engelsk side).
Mechanical cleaning of water-supply systems with hydro-gel
Using the Hydro-Gel-technology we can easily, effectively and economically remove the waste materials deposited inside the pipeline or adhering onto the inner wall of the pipes. The hydrogel is a water-based gel, which does not contain harmful substances and are completely environmentally friendly.
Thanks to these properties it can be safely deployed in the cleaning of drinking water pipelines. The preparation of the Hydro-Gel is done on site, considering the respective circumstances of the individual cleaning can be optionally combined. The gels with various agents, for example with disinfectants, this way a complex cleaning job can be finished in one step.

Disinfection of water-supply systems with nano-fluids
The disinfection of water-supply systems is a recurring problem for system operators. The residue inside the pipes, furthermore the bacterial membrane adhering to the walls of the pipeline can cause secondary contamination of the drinking water. Besides the ferrit- and manganese bacteria, there could be such living organism settled, which can be harmful for the human health. Removing these organism is a top hygiene priority. The Hydro-Gel + nano-fluid combination effectively remove all organisms from the system. This technology even offers a reliable solution against the pertinacious Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. More about Hydro-Gel here and here .
More information:
Val Sibbern, val.sibbern@xomeone.com, +46 (0)706 71 04 71