Aquapea er en patentert løsning for å stoppe vannlekkasjer i vannrør med små diametere. Den er utviklet av QINOV8 og produktet er lite som er ert, derav navnet. Prinsippet er enkelt og logisk; en liten kule slippes ned i vannrøret, kulen følger vannstrømmen og søker seg til hullet/sprekken der lekkasjen er. Når den har tettet lekkasjen og en del av kulen (som da blir deformert) møter luft, herder den. Er du interessert i mere informasjon så finnes film og kontaktinformasjon engelsk side.
Advances in polymer technology have enabled a different approach to pipeline repairs. Aquapea is a polymer-based pipe repair tool. You simply combine the polymer ingredients like playdough and insert the little pea into pipelines up to 90mm in diameter. It gets to the issues immediately, repairing small splits and holes without the normally required excavations.
The Aquapea is a unique revolutionary technology, transforming the traditional approach to supply pipe water leaks. Water scarcity and carbon emissions are among two of the biggest challenges the world is facing right now.

As the only water efficiency product of its kind, the Aquapea repairs or reduces water leaks, which in turn reduces water companies need to treat and add more water to their distribution networks in order to meet supply demand. Amazingly this is achieved with zero excavations which reduces carbon emissions even further.

The Aquapea works by being introduced into a supply pipe that has been isolated beyond the leak. Its specially formulated polymer is mixed together to start a curing process then wrapped around a buoyant core.
The Aquapea free swims through the pipe and is drawn to the flow of escaping water. It is then left in the pipe under pressure for 15 minutes where it permanently bonds to the pipe.
The Aquapea comes in 4 colours, each designed to reduce/repair different sized leaks.
Blue 4-10 litres per minute
Yellow 10-15 litres per minute
Orange 15-20 litres per minute
Red 20-25 litres per minute
Our product has won two coveted UK National Innovation Awards
- Most Innovative Water & Wastewater Technology or the Year 2019
- Water Dragons Innovation Award 2020 hosted by Future Water Association
It is WRAS Approved, NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 Certified and has recently gained AS/NZS 4020 Accreditation as well as being one of only 300 Smart Watermark Approved water efficiency products.
Se short film about Aquapea here.
You will find more films on Youtube, just search for Aquapea.
More information can be obtained by visiting or contact Michael Quinn –
Contact in Norway; Xomeone AS,